SCII-BO: A Very Animated Spite and Malice Game

SCII-BO is the most animated card game implementation that I have ever seen to this day, well-polished with blinks.  Written in Python 2/3 with ncurses by Folkert de Vries, licensed under the MIT License.

SCII-BO: Very Animated, So Flashy

The card game is called Spite and Malice, the name SCII-BO might seen unrelated, but I believe it's named after Skip-Bo, a variation by Mattel, and ASCII.

SCII-BO Gameplay Video

It's a single-player and multi-player/network with computer players up to five players.

The animation is very well done, smooth and in nice detail, you can see the card revealing, moving to slots.  I don't think the AI (bot) looks at cards on table, they don't think to hold on the cards that could help opponents clear stock piles, but perhaps that is not the best way to play.

The other graphical details such as the stacking in Discard piles, you can see little tags denoting what cards are stacked; the illustration in help screen.  The design is well-thought-out, down to the last detail.

It supports both Python 2 and 3, and it only uses built-in modules, no other dependencies required and it also runs on Windows.
